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Unlimited Mastery Group Access
Check out everything you get with Modern Rehab Mastery!
Learn with 4 mentors, have access to 4 FULL online Eclectic Approach Seminars - Modern Manual Therapy, Modern Strength Training, Modern Patient Education, and Modern Nutritional Rehab
Earn your CertMST - certified Modern Strength Training
Earn your CNPT - Certified Nutritional Physical Therapy
Learn Clinical Practice Patterns, get research reviews
Unlimited LIFETIME access to Modern Manual Therapy Insiders plus MMT Resources!
Weekly live mentoring sessions on our exclusive online discussion group
Get access to a video and patient handout library
Mindfulness audio sessions and scripts
Stop Thought Viruses education package and patient education videos
Mentorship Group Options
If you've paid for an online or live Eclectic Approach seminar in the past, MMT Insiders, or a Virtual Manual Therapy Webinar you get credited toward the mentoring costs! Discounts also available for group sign ups of 5 or more! Contact Dr. E for details